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Moving Checklist: Helping Parents Move to Assisted Living

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A young man helping a senior man carry a card board box.

A move to assisted living is an excellent way for your parent to have the lifestyle they want plus get the care and support they need to enjoy the years ahead. But, moving to a new community can feel overwhelming if you’re not prepared. A handy checklist will keep you organized plus help you manage any unexpected items along the way. 

Helping your parents move to assisted living can include:

  1. Planning ahead
  2. Prioritizing open communication
  3. Setting up the move
  4. Helping them settle in

Plan Ahead to Move Parents to Assisted Living

When you’re preparing to move your parents to assisted living, a solid plan can make this process much easier.

Start by scheduling a visit with potential communities ahead of time. Pre-arranging a visit before going to the community ensures an efficient and comprehensive visit tailored to your needs.    Visiting a community gives you a chance to:

  • See the community for yourself.
  • Get a feel for the general atmosphere.
  • Watch how the staff and residents interact with each other.
  • See the available programs, events, and activities.
  • See the layout of the community and available apartments.
  • Ask questions.

During your visit you will have a financial conversation to determine what size apartment fits your needs and budget.  It can help to ask for a floor plan. This lets you determine what the space could look like and what you should bring to make your new home more comfortable! This is a good time to discuss what’s included in your monthly rent as it relates to meals, home maintenance services, and care options. This will all become key factors when you are ready to  make a decision on what is best for all. 

Prioritize Open Communication with Your Parents

As you help your parents or loved one navigate through this journey, make sure to frequently check in  with your parents. This can become an emotional time! So, make sure you’re practicing open communication throughout the entire process.

Ensure the future resident feels like they are in charge of the decision making process, Find out what they want from the future home, and determine what will make them happy. Remember to listen to what they have to say and let them verbalize their worries.

Take the time to have open, honest conversations. It can make a big difference for your parents.

Set Up the Move to Assisted Living

Once your parents and you have decided which future community is best, your loved one will meet with the community healthcare representative to determine what care assistance is needed for . At Washington Pointe Las Colinas, we offer a personalized Lifestyle & Wellness Plan, which gathers your loved one’s health goals and needs to develop a customized wellness approach.  Once this is complete, it’s time to set up the actual move. And now that you know what your parents want and have an actual plan, it’s time for action.

Pick a date that works for you and the assisted living community, and communicate it clearly. Set the date in your calendar so you don’t forget!

You may want to consider hiring a team of professional movers to help with the logistics and make the initial process much more manageable. 

If the future home is going to be furnished, think about getting a storage unit for any extra belongings. This helps you avoid having to move unnecessary things.

Make a List

It can help to make a list of important things ahead of time. Try to:

  • Set aside important documents in a box, briefcase, or storage case.
  • Make a list of medications and their dosages.
  • Keep contact numbers of doctors and other emergency services handy.
  • Pack essential items your parent will need immediately after the move, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and comforting items like favorite books or photos.
  • Label boxes according to their contents for easy unpacking.
  • Notify relevant parties of the change in address, such as banks, insurance companies, and family members.

This can keep things simple! You’ll end up with clearly labeled boxes, all the important documents taken care of, and a well-packed home.

Helping Parents Settle Into Assisted Living

Once the move is complete, the next step is helping your parents settle into their new home. Give them a hand with decorating their new space and arranging the furniture. When unpacking, ask where things should go—you want your parents to be comfortable, after all!

Check in and be supportive. This is a big change for your parents, so don’t add any more stress if you can avoid it! Try to keep reminding your parents about the benefits, and be excited for them. They’ve made a big step towards getting the care they deserve, so take the time to encourage and support them however you can.

A senior man in a plaid shirt being assisted by his daughter to pack and organize moving boxes in a sunlit room.

Once the move is over, don’t forget to keep visiting! Take the time to listen to their stories and hear about their experiences. You’ll make them feel valued, heard, and loved—and they deserve it.

Easing the Transition to Senior Living

Moving your parents to assisted living is a significant change, and the transition may take a bit of time. The team at Washington Pointe Las Colinas is here to help. If you’re looking for guidance or help, we’re here for you and your families. Contact us today. Together, we can help make this a positive, fulfilling experience for you and your parents.

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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