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8 Golf Exercises for Seniors

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A senior couple playing golf on a sunny day.

The independent living lifestyle in a senior living community offers older adults the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. It provides various programs and activities to stay healthy and enjoy life. 

Golfing can also be an excellent activity for older adults to stay active and socialize, especially with the vast array of golf courses in Irving, Texas. However, as we age, our bodies lose some of their flexibility, strength, and balance, making it more challenging for older adults to play. 

It doesn’t mean that older adults should give up golfing. With some simple golf exercises concentrating on flexibility, strength, and balance, older adults can improve their golfing ability and continue to enjoy the game they love.

Golf Stretches

Older adults should take a few moments to do some gentle stretches. Limbering up your muscles is essential for preventing injuries and improving overall flexibility. 

Golf stretches can include the following:

  • Neck rotations
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Wrist circles
  • Ankle rotations

What Are Golf Exercises for Older Adults?

Don’t let age, loss of flexibility and strength, and reduced balance keep you from enjoying the game you love. With some effort, dedication, and exercise, you can play golf.

  1. Quadricep Exercise

Here is how to do a quadricep (muscles in the front of the thighs) exercise, which also doubles as a balance exercise for older adults:

  • Stand with your arms crossed over your chest and your back facing a chair or a bench. 
  • Place your left foot on the bench. Older adults can use a chair or bench with a lower seat and support in the front if needed. 
  • You should feel a stretch in your right thigh.
  • Next, rotate your shoulders to the right to mimic a backswing.
  • Repeat with the other leg and shoulder. 

Maintaining balance and stability can help avoid slips and falls and is vital for a consistent and accurate golf swing. When you work on your balance, you can improve your golf game and gain confidence in navigating daily activities.

  1. Back Exercise

Here is how to stretch your back muscles:

  • Face the back of a chair with your feet apart.
  • Hold the back of the chair with both hands.
  • Move your body down and away from the chair until you feel the stretch in your armpits. 
  1. Hamstring Exercise

Here is how to stretch the hamstrings or the muscles in the back of your thighs: 

  • Stand across a bench or a step and hold a golf club behind your shoulders. 
  • Place your right foot on the bench or step, and bend your right knee slightly.
  • Next, bend your upper body forward at your hips until you feel a comfortable stretch in your hamstrings. 
  • Hold your position and rotate your back and shoulders to the right and left. 
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  1. Hip & Back Exercise 

Hip exercises enhance flexibility in key areas. By prioritizing flexibility, you’ll find that your golf swing becomes smoother and more controlled, translating to improved accuracy and distance on the course.

Here is how to stretch the hips and back:

  • While in a seated position, place your right ankle on top of your left thigh.
  • Push down on your right knee with your right forearm. As you do this, lean forward at your waist to feel a stretch in your right hip.
  • Repeat with your other ankle.

To stretch the hip and back:

  • Place your right ankle on your left thigh.
  • Raise your right knee with your left hand and pull it toward your left shoulder. 
  • Turn your right shoulder and look behind you to mimic the position at the top of a backswing. 
  1. Front Hip Exercise 

Here’s how to do a hip stretch exercise:

  • Kneel with your right knee on the floor and your left knee at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Hold your golf club with your right hand, and put your left hand on your left leg for stability.
  • Lean forward and shift the weight onto your left leg. 
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
  1. Shoulder Exercise 

Here is how to stretch the shoulders:

  • Stand like you are ready to hit a golf ball.  
  • Hold your left elbow with your right hand.
  • Rotate your trunk to the right while pulling your left elbow until you feel a stretch. 
  • Next, stretch your right shoulder by grabbing your right elbow with your left hand and rotate your trunk to the left. 
  1. Core Exercise

A strong core is the secret weapon behind a powerful and controlled golf swing. Older adults can engage in exercises that build and maintain core strength to enhance their game. 

Here is how to stretch your core muscles:

  • Fold your arms across your chest while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lean slightly forward and rotate your trunk from the top of your backswing position to your follow-through. 
  • You can do this exercise with a mirror to check your swing positions. 
  1. Walking with Purpose
A group of seniors having a conversation while on their morning walk.

Golf is a sport that encourages walking, and for older adults, this can be an excellent low-impact exercise. Ditch the golf cart and opt to walk the course when possible. Not only does walking help improve cardiovascular health, it allows you to engage in the surroundings and have meaningful conversations with fellow golfers. 

Independent Living for Older Adults

Improving your golf game as an older adult doesn’t have to be complicated. By incorporating these simple exercises into your routine, you can improve your flexibility, strength, and overall performance on the golf course. 

Contact Washington Pointe Las Colinas to learn how we can support you or independent loved ones with a lifestyle free from the worries and stress of home maintenance. 

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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